watch the free event here!

World Art Therapy Conference 2025
Watch the Free Event

How to access the free streamed conference

To watch the free conference, please log into your free account. If you do not have an account, please use the below "Sign up now" button. Then return to this page by clicking on the "LIVE CONFERENCE" button in the topbar, and the free conference will appear.

When you sign up, you will receive an email in your inbox with your verification code. Please click on it to benefit fully of your account.
FR: Veuillez SVP vous connecter ou créer un compte pour accéder à la conférence gratuite à l'aide des boutons ci-dessous, puis revenez sur cette page. Pour activer votre compte, un lien de vérification sera envoyé sur votre courriel.
Write your awesome label here.
You're all set! The free conference will appear here during the scheduled hours. You can check the schedule by clicking on the buttons below the video.

If you are on a mobile device, please rotate your phone in landscape mode for a better viewing experience.

The Live-Stream Starts in:

You can choose English automatic closed captions or French automatic translation using the CC button on the bottom right of the video player above.
Even if the conference started already, you may need to refresh this page to load the live conference.  Don't forget to un-mute the stream to hear the presentations.
 Vous pouvez choisir les sous-titres automatiques en anglais ou la traduction automatique en français à l'aide du bouton CC situé à droite-bas du lecteur vidéo en haut.
Si la conférence a déjà commencé, essayez d'actualiser cette page pour charger la conférence. N'oubliez pas de réactiver le son pour entendre les présentations.

Your thoughts matter to us; please consider sharing your feedback here.

Check the coupon offered during the live conference!

If you think of buying the home study package, don't forget to use the coupon displayed in the live conference breaks to get advantage of this offer! This coupon is available for all the viewers of the conference and expires one week after the conference ends.

If you are a student, send us a document attesting your enrolment in an academic institution, to get 50% discount from the full price. This discount is not cumulative with any other coupon.
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Write your awesome label here.

If the stream does not work, watch the presentations here!

Write your awesome label here.
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