Singing Together in Supervision: Integrating Art and Psychodrama
Gabrielle Gingras, Carmen Oprea, Céline Périer, Maria Riccardi
To resist in the darker times we need to form alliances to create new ways of singing together, integrating various expressive art modalities. When we integrate both art and psychodrama into supervision, then we can play together to foster social and political change.
The process of self-inquiry refers to the therapist's ongoing exploration of their feelings, attitudes, and reactions, in relation to their own life experiences and their work with clients (Drapeau et al., 2019). This self-awareness is a crucial part of providing effective therapy, as it
helps therapists understand how their personal experiences might influence their therapeutic interventions (Gavron & Orkibi, 2021). Art-based supervision offers a visual and tangible medium for supervisees to express themselves, leading to insightful self-examination of their
participation in the therapeutic process. These processes complement the way that psychodrama brings dynamic role-playing and enactments to the fore, highlighting patterns of interaction and making insights actionable for clients, practitioners, and supervisors (Orkibi &
Feniger-Schaal, 2019).
In this workshop, the facilitators will guide participants to experience art-based supervisionthrough art-making and dialogue (Chesner & Zografou, 2013). Open dialogue will foster a collaborative atmosphere where professionals share experiences, challenges, and insights.
Through hands-on experience, the facilitators will examine the practitioner’s art experience a an implicit and multidimensional source of knowledge (Fish, 2016). The method of supervision through reverse enactment offers the opportunity for therapists to experiment with their clients directly from the inside (Krall, Fürst & Fontaine, 2013). Playing different roles gives therapists the opportunity to widen their repertoire while engaging in the political and social sphere. To bring light to darker times, the greatest gift we can give to the world is knowing ourselves
as well as discovering our neighbors.
Chesner, A. and Zografou, L. (2013). Creative supervision across modalities: heory and applications for therapists, counsellors and other helping. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Drapeau, C.-E., Drouin, M.-S. & Plante. P. (2021). Vicarious trauma and response art: a professional development workshop for psychotherapists working with survivors of trauma. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 72(1), 1-9.
Fish, B. (2016). Art-based supervision: Cultivating therapeutic insight through imagery. Routledge.
Gavron, T., & Orkibi, H. (2021). Arts-based supervision training for creative arts therapists: Perceptions and implications. Arts in Psychotherapy, 75, 101838.
Gavron, T. (2022, September). Conference of ECARTE. The Arts in Supervision: Dreaming and remembering. Lithuania.
Krall, H., Fü rst, J., & Fontaine P. (2013). Supervision in Psychodrama: experiential learning in psychotherapy and training. Springer. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-531-19679-4
Orkibi H, Feniger-Schaal R. (2019). Integrative systematic review of psychodrama psychotherapy research: Trends and methodological implications. PLoS One 14(2). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0212575. PMID: 30779787; PMCID: PMC6380607.
Gabrielle Gingras Ph.D candidate, RCAT-ATPQ is an art therapist with a master’s degree in Art Therapy from Concordia University and a registered member of the Canadian Art Therapy Association (CATA) and a member of the Association des art-thérapeutes du Québec
(AATQ). Gabrielle is also a lecturer in art therapy at the Université du Québec en Abitibi- Témiscamingue. Her professional experience in art therapy is primarily in mental health in community settings with caregivers, as well as in private practice. Having worked in Quebec
and internationally, she has seen that art therapy is a tool that transcends differences and brings us closer to our human values and potential. Her research interests focus on the experience of autistic women with a late diagnosis and social empowerment through an art-therapeutic
Carmen Oprea Ph.D candidate, ATR-BC, ATR-BC is a registered art therapist with post-graduate training in sandplay therapy and cognitive-behavioural therapy. Holding master's degrees in Art Therapy and Fine Arts, she is currently a doctoral candidate in psychology at the
University of Quebec in Montreal. Her professional career includes art therapy services for individuals and groups of all ages with various life challenges at her clinic, Accès Art. She deeply resonates with Indigenous wisdom and strives to provide culturally sensitive art therapy
to Inuit and First Nations children. Carmen is the Research Coordinator at Concordia University, engAGE Living Lab project, and she is a co-investigator in two research projects related to sandplay in public practice and to art therapy for depression and anxiety at the same
Céline Périer M.Ps., Ph.D, TEP is a registered psychologist and psychodramatist (trainer, educator, practitioner), member of the Quebec Board in Canada. She studied psychodrama and expressive arts therapy since 2006 at the International Center of Expressive Arts Therapy
(CIPE) with René Marineau (Ph.D, TEP), who wrote J.L. Moreno’s biography (founder of psychodrama). Her thesis aimed at comparing arts and verbal processes, using the Expressive Therapies Continuum (ETC). She presented at AATA, ECARTE and psychodrama
international conferences, collaborating regularly with Lisa D. Hinz and Maria Riccardi since 2012. She is now working in her own private office with adults, offering expressive arts therapy in individual treatment as well as psychodrama groups. She is also now offering psychodrama
training for clinicians.
Maria Riccardi Ph.D, candidate, ATR-BC, RCAT-ATPQ is a registered art therapist, a career counselor, and a licensed clinical psychotherapist. She is an adjunct professor of art therapy at l’Université du Québec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue. Her research and clinical work
are focused on school-based art programs for immigrant adolescents, art-based supervision, community-based art studios as well as media properties and their role in assessment. She has founded a clinic in Montreal based on the Expressive Therapies Continuum, providing
educational and emotional support to children and their families.
Dr. Lisa D. Hinz, Ph.D, ATR-BC (regrets for not being able to participate to the live workshop) is a licensed clinical psychologist and board-certified art therapist. She is an associate professor and director of the Art Therapy Psychology Doctoral Program at Dominican University of California. Dr. Hinz is the author of many professional publications and three books on art therapy. The second edition of her book, Expressive
Therapies Continuum: a framework for using art in therapy was released in January 2020 and builds upon her interest in materials and methods in art therapy. Dr. Hinz specializes in the treatment of eating issues, substance abuse, and lifestyle medicine. She maintains a private
practice in St. Helena, California.
The process of self-inquiry refers to the therapist's ongoing exploration of their feelings, attitudes, and reactions, in relation to their own life experiences and their work with clients (Drapeau et al., 2019). This self-awareness is a crucial part of providing effective therapy, as it
helps therapists understand how their personal experiences might influence their therapeutic interventions (Gavron & Orkibi, 2021). Art-based supervision offers a visual and tangible medium for supervisees to express themselves, leading to insightful self-examination of their
participation in the therapeutic process. These processes complement the way that psychodrama brings dynamic role-playing and enactments to the fore, highlighting patterns of interaction and making insights actionable for clients, practitioners, and supervisors (Orkibi &
Feniger-Schaal, 2019).
In this workshop, the facilitators will guide participants to experience art-based supervisionthrough art-making and dialogue (Chesner & Zografou, 2013). Open dialogue will foster a collaborative atmosphere where professionals share experiences, challenges, and insights.
Through hands-on experience, the facilitators will examine the practitioner’s art experience a an implicit and multidimensional source of knowledge (Fish, 2016). The method of supervision through reverse enactment offers the opportunity for therapists to experiment with their clients directly from the inside (Krall, Fürst & Fontaine, 2013). Playing different roles gives therapists the opportunity to widen their repertoire while engaging in the political and social sphere. To bring light to darker times, the greatest gift we can give to the world is knowing ourselves
as well as discovering our neighbors.
Chesner, A. and Zografou, L. (2013). Creative supervision across modalities: heory and applications for therapists, counsellors and other helping. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Drapeau, C.-E., Drouin, M.-S. & Plante. P. (2021). Vicarious trauma and response art: a professional development workshop for psychotherapists working with survivors of trauma. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 72(1), 1-9.
Fish, B. (2016). Art-based supervision: Cultivating therapeutic insight through imagery. Routledge.
Gavron, T., & Orkibi, H. (2021). Arts-based supervision training for creative arts therapists: Perceptions and implications. Arts in Psychotherapy, 75, 101838.
Gavron, T. (2022, September). Conference of ECARTE. The Arts in Supervision: Dreaming and remembering. Lithuania.
Krall, H., Fü rst, J., & Fontaine P. (2013). Supervision in Psychodrama: experiential learning in psychotherapy and training. Springer. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-531-19679-4
Orkibi H, Feniger-Schaal R. (2019). Integrative systematic review of psychodrama psychotherapy research: Trends and methodological implications. PLoS One 14(2). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0212575. PMID: 30779787; PMCID: PMC6380607.
Gabrielle Gingras Ph.D candidate, RCAT-ATPQ is an art therapist with a master’s degree in Art Therapy from Concordia University and a registered member of the Canadian Art Therapy Association (CATA) and a member of the Association des art-thérapeutes du Québec
(AATQ). Gabrielle is also a lecturer in art therapy at the Université du Québec en Abitibi- Témiscamingue. Her professional experience in art therapy is primarily in mental health in community settings with caregivers, as well as in private practice. Having worked in Quebec
and internationally, she has seen that art therapy is a tool that transcends differences and brings us closer to our human values and potential. Her research interests focus on the experience of autistic women with a late diagnosis and social empowerment through an art-therapeutic
Carmen Oprea Ph.D candidate, ATR-BC, ATR-BC is a registered art therapist with post-graduate training in sandplay therapy and cognitive-behavioural therapy. Holding master's degrees in Art Therapy and Fine Arts, she is currently a doctoral candidate in psychology at the
University of Quebec in Montreal. Her professional career includes art therapy services for individuals and groups of all ages with various life challenges at her clinic, Accès Art. She deeply resonates with Indigenous wisdom and strives to provide culturally sensitive art therapy
to Inuit and First Nations children. Carmen is the Research Coordinator at Concordia University, engAGE Living Lab project, and she is a co-investigator in two research projects related to sandplay in public practice and to art therapy for depression and anxiety at the same
Céline Périer M.Ps., Ph.D, TEP is a registered psychologist and psychodramatist (trainer, educator, practitioner), member of the Quebec Board in Canada. She studied psychodrama and expressive arts therapy since 2006 at the International Center of Expressive Arts Therapy
(CIPE) with René Marineau (Ph.D, TEP), who wrote J.L. Moreno’s biography (founder of psychodrama). Her thesis aimed at comparing arts and verbal processes, using the Expressive Therapies Continuum (ETC). She presented at AATA, ECARTE and psychodrama
international conferences, collaborating regularly with Lisa D. Hinz and Maria Riccardi since 2012. She is now working in her own private office with adults, offering expressive arts therapy in individual treatment as well as psychodrama groups. She is also now offering psychodrama
training for clinicians.
Maria Riccardi Ph.D, candidate, ATR-BC, RCAT-ATPQ is a registered art therapist, a career counselor, and a licensed clinical psychotherapist. She is an adjunct professor of art therapy at l’Université du Québec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue. Her research and clinical work
are focused on school-based art programs for immigrant adolescents, art-based supervision, community-based art studios as well as media properties and their role in assessment. She has founded a clinic in Montreal based on the Expressive Therapies Continuum, providing
educational and emotional support to children and their families.
Dr. Lisa D. Hinz, Ph.D, ATR-BC (regrets for not being able to participate to the live workshop) is a licensed clinical psychologist and board-certified art therapist. She is an associate professor and director of the Art Therapy Psychology Doctoral Program at Dominican University of California. Dr. Hinz is the author of many professional publications and three books on art therapy. The second edition of her book, Expressive
Therapies Continuum: a framework for using art in therapy was released in January 2020 and builds upon her interest in materials and methods in art therapy. Dr. Hinz specializes in the treatment of eating issues, substance abuse, and lifestyle medicine. She maintains a private
practice in St. Helena, California.
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